Jesus / Orphans / Justice / Discipleship

International Living Streams (ILS) is a non-profit ministry founded by Brandon & Darnelle Donnell as their lives were radically changed by the message of Jesus in the early 70’s. In 1982, the doors opened for international ministry, which ignited a fire in their hearts that has continued to burn unquenched to see the kingdom of God realized in the world today.

In 1999, after many years of traveling to India for ministry, an opportunity came to go to Kenya, East Africa. It was there a vision for orphaned, abandoned and abused children, as well as a passion to follow Jesus in His identification with the oppressed, recognizing injustice is a priority to Him as all people are loved and valued equally. Teaching & training local pastors and church leaders with an emphasis on love & unity among the churches is of great importance to ILS, as Jesus said, “Go and make disciples, teaching them all I have commanded”.

Gentle Shepherd Children’s Home

Gentle Shepherd Children’s Home (GSH) was founded in 1999 in Kenya, East Africa, with a vision to care for orphans, abandoned and abused children. Read more.

Make an Eternal Investment

Your contributions provide basic needs like food, clothing, and medical care, as well as education, and salaries for the trained national workers who care for the GSH children. Read more.

Mission Trip

You are invited to come and be “boots on the ground” with us for a 2-week trip to the SW border of Kenya. Read more.