Matthew 28:19

Jesus commanded his followers to “Go and Make Disciples of all nations … teaching them to obey everything I have commanded them”. This commandment implies a long term investment in the lives of people. ILS is currently working in Kenya, East Africa, teaching & training local pastors as well as women in our area through annual conferences. We are also very involved in caring for over a hundred orphaned, abandoned & abused children in our Children’s Home located in Kuria West, Migori County, Kenya.

We are committed to working with vulnerable women and children who can often be easily exploited and devalued by their culture. We seek to follow Jesus in His identification with the poor, the powerless and the oppressed, in His respect for the dignity which He gives equally to men and women; in His challenge to injustice and His call to share our resources with those less fortunate. We believe “the least of these” are a high priority to God.


108 SE Harris
Burleson, TX 76028

P. (817) 657-0351
E. email us


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